Source Materials - The Battle of Jutland - Centenary Initiative
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Source Materials

AUTHOR: Dr. Tobias Phlibin III
SUBJECT: Admiral Hipper as Naval Commander
SOURCE & DATE: University of london, King’s College
COMMENTS: Phibin’s university thesis which formed the basis for his book, Admiral von Hipper. The Inconvenient Hero.

AUTHOR: Dr. Alex Kalloniatis
Towards a Unified Model of Maritime Command and Control: A Case Study of the Battle of Jutland
SOURCE & DATE: Reprinted with permission from Rhett Mitchell (ed), Austraian Maritime Issues 2010: SPC-A Annual, Papers in Australian Maritime Affairs No 35, Sea Power Centre – Australia, Canberra, 2011
COMMENTS: The signals database will reflect the classification as soon as is possible.

AUTHOR: Dr. Innes McCartney
SUBJECT: HMS Invincible
SOURCE & DATE: Skyllis
LINK: click here

AUTHOR: Len Barnett
SUBJECT: How successfully did Britain respond to German Unrestricted U-boat Warfare in 1917 & 1918?
SOURCE & DATE: Barton Maritime Monographs, 1999
COMMENTS: A list of further mongraphs can be obtained from Len Barnet at

AUTHOR: Len Barnett
SUBJECT: ‘Trial & Error’ – The Royal Navy and Mine Countermeasures 1904-1914
SOURCE & DATE: Barton Maritime Monographs, 2001
COMMENTS: A list of further mongraphs can be obtained from Len Barnet at

AUTHOR: Nathanial G. Ott
SUBJECT: Battlecruisers at Jutland: A Comparative Analysis of British and German Warship Design and its Impact on the Naval War
SOURCE & DATE: Written by a Doctorate at the Ohio State University, 2010

AUTHOR: John Whelan
To what extenet was Admiral Sir John Jellicoe to blame for the perceived failre of the Battle of Jutland and how fairly was the event reported in official and journalistsic accounts ?
SOURCE & DATE: Paper for Undergraduate degree

AUTHOR: Jürgen Witthoft
SUBJECT: Tradition and Progress, 125 Years of Blohm & Voss
SOURCE & DATE: Blohm und Voss, Hamburg
COMMENTS: Sent by Blohm and Voss with photo materials for  Jutland. The Unfinished Battle.

AUTHOR: Dr. Innes McCartney
SUBJECT: The Armoured cruiser Defence : A Case study in assessing the Royal Navy shipwrecks of the Battle of Jutland, 1916, as an archeological Resource.
SOURCE & DATE: The International Journal of Nautical Archeology, 2011
click here

AUTHOR: Admiral of the Fleet, Earl Jellicoe
SUBJECT: Errors made at the Battle of Jutland
SOURCE & DATE: Written by Jellicoe in 1932 as a critique of the Battle of Jutland. Transcribed by one of his literary executors, Admiral Sir Frederic C. Dreyer, and appears in the latter’s The Sea Heritage. The Museum Press. 1955. pp. 164-168.
COMMENTS: Set out in chronological and by whom made

AUTHOR: Len Barnett
SUBJECT: Assessment of Admiral ‘Jackie’ Fisher’s achievements and limitations as a naval reformer
SOURCE & DATE: Barton Maritime Monographs, 2001
COMMENTS: A list of further mongraphs can be obtained from Len Barnet at

SUBJECT: The Battle of Jutland, Part One
SOURCE & DATE: The Naval Review, October 1959, Vol. XLVII. No.4

AUTHOR: J. Allan C. Macfarlane
SUBJECT: A Naval Travesty : The Dismissal of Admiral Sir John Jellcoe, 1917
SOURCE & DATE: Written by a Doctorate at the University of St. Andrews, 2014
COMMENTS: click here

AUTHOR: 1923 ONI online documentation
SUBJECT: Various ONI publications from 1923 
COMMENTS: click here for archive link

AUTHOR: Captain Jason Hines, U.S. Navy
SUBJECT: The role of intelligence in the Battle of Jutland
SOURCE & DATE: Journal of Military History, 72 #4 (October 2008): pp. 1117-1153
COMMENTS: click here for archive link